Playing as the Decision Maker ***************************** This guide aims to help decision makers navigating the Digital TORC Game from a technical point of view. Note that it does not explain how to *play* the game. Game setup ========== Joining the game session ------------------------ See :ref:`gs_joining_game`. Game round ========== Framing and setting the scene ----------------------------- *The decision maker has no particular role during this stage.* Awareness --------- There are no mandatory actions to be taken at this stage. However, the player may add action cards and take notes at this stage. See :ref:`gnt_taking_a_note` and :ref:`Create Action Cards` .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/awareness_stage.png :align: center Awareness stage .. _gdm_sense_making: Sense Making ------------- The Sense Making stage is similar to the Awareness stage. All players can create and select action cards, and everyone can add notes. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/sense_making_stage.png :align: center Sense Making stage .. _gdm_anticipation: Anticipation ------------- The Anticipation stage is similar to the Awareness and Sense Making stages. However, in this stage, at least one action card must be selected in order for the game to allow to move to the next stage. The cards selected in this stage can be used to make a decision in the Decision stage. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/anticipation_stage.png :align: center Anticipation stage .. _gdm_decision: Decision --------- .. raw:: html In the decision stage (from which the decision maker has its name), the decision maker makes a decision. The decision maker has to make at least one decision in order to move forward. To make the decision, you can use the "Take decision" action, represented by the following icon: .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/make_decision.png :align: center Decision stage Pressing the "Take decision" action redirects you to the Decision Explorer. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/decision_explorer.png :align: center Decision Explorer By pressing the add decision button, a pop up window appears. Here you must select the cards to include, provide a rationale for the decision and select the appropriate feasibility level of the decision. When you have done that, you can press "Create", and the pop up will close automatically. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/decision_ready.png :align: center New decision When the new decision has been made, it appears in the list of decisions. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/decision_list_not_expanded.png :align: center Decision list It is possible to expand the decisions in the list to show the rationale and the cards included in the decision. The decision maker will also be able to delete or edit the decision after it has been created. .. figure:: ../../_static/user_guides/decision_maker/decision_list.png :align: center Decision expanded to show rationale and cards included in the decision .. _gdm_monitoring: Monitoring ----------- There are no mandatory actions to be taken at this stage. However, the player may add action cards and take notes at this stage. Game end =========== Review ------ *The decision maker has no particular role during this stage.* General recommendations ----------------------- *The decision maker has no particular role during this stage.* Report generation ----------------- *The decision maker has no particular role during this stage.*